If you're here reading this then you're probably here for the same reasons as me. I don't know what it is but every time I hear him speak the speak I just collapse.


I managed to wangle a few interviews with him a couple of years ago but I didn't quite know what to expect. What I did get was a huge and friendly welcome over a cuppa or two and a good few hours listening to an icon who was totally at ease with himself, amazed at his own good fortune and more than happy to regale you with incredible stories of the great and the good that he'd worked with over the years.


And then he'd start doing the Unwinese.


In case you ever thought it was scripted, I can honestly tell you: no. It wasn't. He spoke it like a second language. On tap.


The thing is, Stanley was a genuine one off. Not a product of the 'Variety' days but quite unique - and I use that word reservedly. He was. No argument. It's as simple as that.


Now sadly gone you have to wonder how this peculiar talent, this left turn of the language as we know it will survive. Well, there's his films, his telly, his books and loads of stuff around that he did which is just plain funny. And there's always the few who put up a darned good impersonation every now and then as well.


But this is not a site for sadness. Indeed, I spit on the collective trousers of Mr and Mrs Maudlin in order to bring you everything Unwinesque that I can lay my hands on (well most of it, anyway. Ebay's a bugger nowadays).


I know I'm slow getting this site sorted but please bear with me while it's under construction because hopefully it'll all have been worth waiting for.


And finally, one thing about those meetings that will always stay with me. Stanley made the strongest cups of tea I have ever ever tasted. No, they were stroooonnnngg!